We provide outstanding
construction services.
We have provided complete remodeling and construction solutions for
residential and commercial properties in cities.
We are professional
for building construction.
We have provided complete remodeling and construction solutions for
residential and commercial properties in cities.
We will be happy to take care
of your construction works.
We have provided complete remodeling and construction solutions for
residential and commercial properties in cities.
About Company

Govt. Approved

It is truly time-honored fact that the success of an organization rely on its staff a well balanced team of employees acts like an axle on which the wheel of the business house is connected. It requires a lot of time and efforts that has been proved time and again that it does not yield proper results by merely advertising in the media when the requirement arises.

Hence, it will be always better to utilize the sources of a professional manpower consultant with a well stocked data bank of candidates of various disciplined manpower consultants which is a one stop super star for companies looking for recruiting Bangladeshi human resources.

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General Building

We are committed building a sustainable future fostering a collaborative spirit.

Building Construction

We are committed building a sustainable future fostering a collaborative spirit.


We are committed building a sustainable future fostering a collaborative spirit.

Building Renovation

We are committed building a sustainable future fostering a collaborative spirit.

Sufi International Limited

We provide solutions for the need of workers in all disciplines semi-skilled professional and trained as per the requirements. We place priority on healthy trained competent honest, sincere and professional manpower through our national network.

Bangladesh Office

177, Mahtab Center (8th Floor),
Suite No: 5-6, Dhaka- 1000

Email: Phone: +88 02 9333497 License No. RL-1085

India Office

Lila Ram Market, 389 South Ex.Tower-1, Room No. 101 & 102 (1st Floor), South Extension Part - ii, New Delhi, India -110049

Email: Phone: 25 335 532 License No. 3796/del/per/1000++/3/6221/2003